Online Workshop by V SHOCK Beauty Theory / Q&A

Online Workshop by V SHOCK Beauty Theory

Online Workshop by V SHOCK Beauty Theory / Q&A

Multi-Modalities with V Shock Aesthetics

Come and experience the magical charm of V SHOCK!
In this training course, you are about to gain endless charm!

Online Workshop by V SHOCK Beauty Theory

When: 10AM-2:30PM, Tuesday 23rdAug

Where: 1F Costec office

3/36, O’Riordan Street, Alexandria, NSW, 2015, Australia Session

– V SHOCK Beauty Theory / Q&A

– Demo Session for Facial Care

– Demo Session for Body Care

– Issue of Certificates (MyStart)

At the end of the session, acertificate of My Start course for V Shock Beauty will be issued for participants

Contact us form more information

V Shock®

V Shock® is a unique diathermy radio-frequency technology designed to safely produce excellent aesthetic outcomes through the application of the science of heat. This is a platform technology, which combines precise accessories with advanced energy delivery to enable a myriad of tissue applications.
