Training Event in Australia

Training Event in Australia

Training Event in Australia

Our V SHOCK official beauty trainer Come and experience the magical charm of V SHOCK!
In this training course, you are about to gain endless charm!

Training Event in Australia

Roberta Cagnetta will also be there with us to show you multi-modalities you can apply with V SHOCK devices

Don’t miss an opportunity to explore

the new beauty trend, V SHOCK in Australia

Contact us form more information

V Shock®

V Shock® is a unique diathermy radio-frequency technology designed to safely produce excellent aesthetic outcomes through the application of the science of heat. This is a platform technology, which combines precise accessories with advanced energy delivery to enable a myriad of tissue applications.

The RF technology is uses radio frequency energy to relax muscles tone as well as stimulate collagen production, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, and tighten the skin. This non-invasive, painless procedure is the perfect solution for those looking to achieve a V-shape face, as it can help to lift and contour the jawline, chin, and cheeks.
